Sign up to the Switch List

Complete the form to create your profile

This information will be used for your public profile

Preferred pronouns
First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Organisation *
Location *
Mobile number
Linkedin *
Speaker photo (High resolution, jpeg, png in colour, portrait. Your face must be clearly visible.) *
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Speaker bio (In third person, 70 words max) *
Expert topic areas *
Recent speaker engagements
In person events accessibility requirements (If applicable)
Online events accessibility requirements (If applicable)

For RenewableUK use only . The demographic information is optional to provide but will help us ensure the Switch list always offers industry a diverse pool of talent. 

Email *

I consent to have my Switch List profile appear on the RenewableUK  website

I consent to be added to the Switch List mailing list.