Conference & Exhibition | 18 - 19 June 2024 | 09:00 - 17:00 | Manchester Central | #RUKGOW24

Sustainability at #RUKGOW24

At RenewableUK we understand that our events can have an important environmental, social and economic impact. That's why we work to integrate sustainability into our events and aim to get the balance right for social inclusion, environmental protection, and economic growth.

Here you can read about our sustainability efforts around Global Offshore Wind 2024. 

Making Global Offshore Wind 2024 more sustainable

Reducing carbon emissions

Local suppliers: We've chosen local suppliers wherever possible to limit carbon emissions. 

Accessible location: Manchester Central is well-connected by public transport, with nearby accommodation options.

Sustainable travel: We encourage attendees to use eco-friendly travel options and gather travel information to calculate and offset CO2 emissions post-event.

Plant-based menus: 80% of our menu items are plant-based, and we are not serving beef. 

We work with Manchester Central to calculate the footprint of each dish we serve at the event with a carbon measuring company called Klimato, enabling us to choose food options that have a low carbon impact.

In addition, food ingredients served at the event are locally sourced:

  • Meat - 8 miles from the venue
  • Groceries/dry goods - 4 miles from the venue
  • Bread – 3 miles from the venue
  • Sandwiches – 42 miles from the venue
  • Milk and cream - within a 48-mile radius

Our venue rigging contractor, KRS, uses a hybrid vehicle fleet to reduce emissions during event setups and teardowns.

Energy efficiency: Manchester Central has implemented smart meters, LED lighting, PIR sensors, and other measures to monitor and reduce energy usage effectively.

Reducing waste

Digital solutions: We've replaced long printed programmes with mobile apps and use digital signage and electronic badges to minimise paper waste.

Sustainable stands: All exhibitors must submit a sustainability plan covering the lifecycle of their stands and materials. We benchmark this data and celebrate more sustainable exhibition stands as part of a sustainability recognition scheme.

Recyclable materials: We use bamboo-based, recyclable lanyards and delegate badges.

Eco-friendly carpeting: We use re-wind carpet which contains no latex, requires no water in manufacturing, and significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

Waste management: Manchester Central uses chemical-free cleaning solutions, diverts waste from landfills, and donates unutilised food to local charities.

Inclusivity and accessibility

EDI data collection: We gather data on gender, ethnicity, social mobility, and disability from attendees and speakers to improve our inclusivity.

Inclusive spaces: Designated quiet rooms and breastfeeding spaces are available, and we offer captioning services and hearing loops for presentations.

Accessible content: We provide a step-free delegate journey video and livestream sessions, ensuring accessibility regardless of affordability or attendance ability.

Charity run: A 5K run with a walking option supports inclusivity and local charities.

Safeguarding: For the first time, we have introduced an event safeguarding code of conduct to ensure a positive and inclusive experience from beginning to end. We celebrate the diversity of all our attendees, exhibitors, and staff and will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour by or towards anyone taking part in our events

Economic Impact

Global Offshore Wind 2024 is expected to benefit Manchester's local economy by £7.4 million, according to Manchester Convention Bureau.

Community engagement: Partnerships with local schools and charities. This year we have partnered again with Unifrog to engage with local schools and bring local student to our event. 

Supporting local community: Our new 5K run will be fundraising for St Ann’s Hospice, a charity based in Manchester that helps people affected by life-limiting illnesses. 

Student support: We offer student tickets and promote careers in renewable energy.

Communicating our commitment

Transparency: We’ve commissioned a report to demonstrate progress in our sustainable development efforts and identify lessons learned and improvement actions.

Engagement: Our sustainability initiatives are shared with attendees, partners, sponsors, and other stakeholders through email campaigns, website updates, and social media.

How you can help

Plan your journey: Opt for public transport, car sharing, or sustainable travel options. Explore Manchester by foot or bike, or use the city’s free hop-on, hop-off bus system.

Conserve resources: Turn off lights, air conditioning, and electronics when not in use. Reuse bath towels in your hotel to save water.

Support recycling: Use recycling bins available at the venue and across the city. Consider some meat-free meals during your stay.

Support local businesses: Support local businesses and consider volunteering for community projects to ensure Manchester reaps the full benefits of hosting Global Offshore Wind.

Bring a refillable water bottle: Water refill points will be available at our events.

By making small changes, together we can make a big impact. Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable future at Global Offshore Wind 2024.